[ English | Bahasa Malaysia ] Today is 14th Feb 2025, 09:19 AM (Last updated: 13th Feb 2025)

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Publication Details
Year :


Journal :

H Rozilawati, AY Faudzi, AA Siti Rahidah, AH Nor Azlina, AG Abdullah, NM Amal, H Wan Mansor, H Hani, Y Apandi, Faezah Noor, Norziyana, WA Nazni, J Zairi and HL Lee (2011). Entomological study of chikungunya infectious in the State of Kelantan, Malaysia. Indian Journal of Medical Research 133(6): 670-673

Abstract :

Background & objectives: Chikungunya infection has become a public health threat in Malaysia since the 2008 nationwide outbreaks. Aedes albopictus Skuse has been identified as the chikungunya vector in Johor State during the outbreaks. In 2009, several outbreaks had been reported in the State of Kelantan. Entomological studies were conducted in Kelantan in four districts, namely Jeli, Tumpat, Pasir Mas and Tanah Merah to identify the vector responsible for the virus transmission. Methods: CHIKV cases records were obtained from State Health Department, Kelantan and localities involved were identified. Larva survey was conducted to collect the immature mosquito stages. Modified aspirators were used to collect the adult mosquitoes. All samples on dry ice were transferred to laboratory and the presence of the virus was detected using reverse transcriptase PCR. Results: A total of 1,245 mosquito larvae were collected during larval survey and 2,019 adult mosquitoes were collected using aspirator. From these collections, 640 mosquito pools were tested for the presence of CHIKV by RT-PCR but none found positive. Ae. albopictus was the most abundant mosquito collected, followed by Culex sp., Armigeres sp. and Anopheles sp. A total of 2, 814 artificial containers were inspected during the study. Interpretation & conclusions: Since none of the mosquito samples was found to be positive for chikungunya virus, the vector(s) of chikungunya virus in these localities could not be identified.




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