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Publication List


Nenny Noorina Saaid, Reena Rahayu Md Zin, Siti Aishah Md. Ali, Sharifah Noor Akmal Syed Hussain, Zulkifli Zainuddin and Zubaidah Zakaria (2014). Array comparative genomic hybridization analysis identified the chromosomal aberrations and putative genes involved in prostate tumorigenesis of Malaysian men. Sains Malaysiana 43(9): 1317-1326


Noor Atiqah Fakharuzi, Ahmad Zuhairi Abd Rahman, Gurbind Singh, Nurul Ain Nassim, Kamal S Fakiruddin, Lim Moon Nian, Puteri J Noor M Baharuddin, Salehhuddin Hamdan, Anish Sen Majumdar, Zubaidah Zakaria (2014).Non-invasive in vivo tracking, biodistribution and  fate of human mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) in rat model. Regenerative Research 3(2): 127-129


Nor Azimah Abdul Azize, Wan Zurinah Wan Ngah, Zulhabri Othman, Norsiah Md Desa, Chen Bee Chin, Zabedah Md Yunus, Anand Mohan, Teh Siao Hean, Syed Zulkifli Syed Zakaria and Ngu Lock-Hock (2014). Mutation analysis of glycine decarboxylase, aminomethyltransferase and glycine cleavage system protein-H genes in 13 unrelated families with glycine encephalopathy. Journal of Human Genetic  pp1-5


Norodiyah Othman and Nor Hayati Othman (2014). Detection of human papillomavirus DNA in routine cervical scraping samples: Use for a national cervical cancer screening program in a developing nation. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15(5): 2245-2249


Nur Fatihah Mohd Yatim, Masitah Abd. Rahim, Kavitha Menom, Faisal Muti Al-Hassan, Rahimah Ahmad, Anita Bhajan Manocha, Mohamed Saleem and Badrul Hisham Yahaya (2014). Molecular Characterization of α- and β-Thalassaemia among Malay Patients. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15(5): 8835-8845


Nur Shuhaidatul Sarmiza Abdul Halim, Kamal Shaik Fakiruddin, Syed Atif Ali and Badrul Hisham Yahaya (2014). A comparative study of non-viral gene delivery techniques to human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15(9): 15044-15060


Nurulhusna, Ab Hamid, Rosilawati Rasli, Khadri, Mohd Shahar, Khairul Asuad Mohamed, Mahirah Mohd Noor, Mohd Iqbal Mohd Norsham and Lee, Han Lim (2014). Effects of desiccation on the hatchability rate of laboratory and wild strain Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus Skuse eggs. The Experiment 26 (1): 1788-1795


Pau Ni Ivyna Bong, Ching Ching Ng, Kah Yuen Lam, Puteri Jamilatul Noor Megat Baharuddin, Kian Meng Chang and Zubaidah Zakaria (2014). Identification of novel pathogenic copy number aberrations in multiple myeloma: the Malaysian context. Molecular Cytogenetic 7(1):24


Peter Winskill, Angela F Harris, Sian A Morgan, Jessica Stevenson, Norzahira Raduan, Luke Alphey, Andrew R McJemey and Christl A Donnelly (2014). Genetic control of Aedes aegypti: data-driven modelling to assess the effect of releasing different life stages and the potential for long-term suppression. Parasites and Vectors 7:68


Quah CC, Kim KH, Lau MS, Kim WR, Cheah SH and Gundamaraju R (2014). Pigmentation and dermal conservative effects of the astonishing algae Sargassum polycystum and Padina tenuis on guinea pigs, human epidermal melanocytes (hem) and chang cells. Africa Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine11(4):77-83


Rahimah Ahmad, Syahira Lazira Omar, Siti Hida H M Arif, Faidatul Syazlin A  Hamid, Nur Aisyah Aziz, Nik Hafidzah N Mustapha and  Zubaidah Zakaria (2014). Haemoglobin Sickle D Punjab: - A Case Report. Medical Journal of Malaysia 69(1):  42-43


Rahizan Issa, Hatijah Abdul, Siti Hasmah Hashim, Valentinus H. Seradja, Nurul 'Aishah Shaili and Nurul Akma Mohd Hassan (2014). High resolution melting analysis for the differentiation of Mycobacterium species. Journal of Medical Microbiology 63(10): 1284-1287


Rahizan Issa, Nor Asiah Muhamad, Nai Ming Lai, Rohaidah Hashim, Ezalia Esa, Mohd Yusoff Adon, Normi Mustapha, Wan Ariffin Abdullah, Tsiao Yi Yap, Azura Mohd Noor, Nik Nur Eliza Mohamed and Zalilah Abdullah (2014). Non-pharmacological measures for preventing opportunistic infection in patients with haematological malignancies (protocol). Cochrane of Systematic Reviews 


Riazi M, Zainul FZ, Bahaman AR, Amran F and Khalilpour A (2014). Role of 72 kDa protein of Leptospira interrogans as a diagnostic marker in acute leptospirosis. Indian Journal of Medical Research 139(2): 308-313


Rohaidah Hashim, Norazah Ahmad, Jama’ayah Mohamed Zahidi, BY Tay, Azura Mohd Noor, Sakina Zainal, Hazwani Hamzah, SH Hamzah, TS Chow, PS Wong, and KN Leong (2014). Identification and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of Brucella species isolated from human Brucellosis. International Journal of Microbiology, Volume 2014, Article ID 596245, 5 pages


Salina Abdul Rahman, Ed Bergstrom, Christopher J. watson, Katherine M. Wilson, David A. Ashford, Jerry R. Thomas, Daniel Ungar and Jane E. Thomas-Oates (2014). Filter-aided N-glycan separation (FANGS): a convenient sample preparation method for mass spectrometric N-glycan profiling. Journal of Proteome Research 13(3): 1167-1176


Sarifah Hanafi, Rosline Hassan, Rosnah Bahar, Wan Zaidah Abdullah, Muhammad Farid Johan, Noor Diana Rashid, Nurul Fatihah Azman, Ariffin Nasir, Syahzuwan Hassan, Rahimah Ahmad, Azizah Othman, Mohd Ismail Ibrahim, Surianti Sukeri, Sarina Sulong, Surini Yusoff, Nor Sarwany Mohamad, Adil Hussein, Rozita Hassan, Narazah Yusoff, Badrul Hisyam Yahaya, Endom Ismail, Nik Khairuddin Nik Yussof, Sinari Salleh and Bin Alwi Zilfalil (2014). Multiplex amplification refractory mutation system (MARMS) for the detection of β-globin gene mutations among the transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia Malay patients in Kelantan, Northeast of Peninsular Malaysia. American Journal of Blood Research 4(1):33-40


Sayyidi Hamzi Abdul Raub, Nurismah Md Isa, Hatta Ahmad Zailani, Baharudin Omar, Mohamad Farouk Abdullah, Wan Anna Mohd Amin, Rushdan Md Noor, Mukarramah Che Ayub, Zainal Abidin, Fauziah Kassim, Visvalingam Vicknesh, Zubaidah Zakaria, Muhammad Amir Kamaluddin, Geok Chin Tan and Sharifah Noor Akmal Syed Husain (2014). Distribution of HPV genotypes in cervical cancer in multi-ethnic Malaysia. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15(2): 651-656


Shanthi Viswanathan, Masita Arip, Norhazlin Mustafa, Jasbir S. Dhaliwal, Norzainie Rose, Sobri Muda, Santhi Datuk Puvanarajah, Mohammad Hanip Rafia and Mark Cheong Wing Loong (2014). The frequency of anti-aquaporin-4 Ig G antibody in neuromyelitis optica and its spectrum disorders at a single tertiary referral center in Malaysia. Multiple Sclerosis International Volume 2014, Article ID 568254, 10 pages


Sharmini Selvarajah, Gurpreet Kaur, Jamaiyah Haniff, Kee Chee Cheong, Tee Guat Hiong and Yolanda van der Graaf and Michiel L. Bots (2014). Comparison of the Framingham Risk Score, SCORE and WHO/ISH cardiovascular risk prediction models in an Asian population. International Journal of Cardiology 176(1): 211-218


Siddhartha Saha, Mandeep Chadha, Abdullah Al Mamun, Mahmudur Rahman, Katharine Sturm-Ramirez, Malinee Chittaganpitch, Sirima Pattamadilok, Sonja J Olsen, Ondri Dwi Sampurno, Vivi Setiawaty, Krisna Nur Andriana Pangesti, Gina Samaan, Sibounhom Archkhawongs, Phengta Vongphrachanh, Darouny Phonekeo, Andrew Corwin, Sok Touch, Philippe Buchy, Nora Chea, Paul Kitsutani, Le Quynh Mai, Vu Dinh Thiem, Raymond Lin, Constance Low, Chong Chee Kheong, Norizah Ismail, Mohd Apandi Yusof, Amado Tandoc, Vito Roque, Akhilesh Mishra, Ann C Moen, Marc-Alain Widdowson, Jeffrey Partridge & Renu B Lall (2014). Influenza seasonality and vaccination timing in tropical and subtropical areas of southern and south-eastern Asia. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 92(5): 318-330


Siti Roszilawati Ramli, Sabarina Zahari, Azura Saidi, Zahrotul Farihah Aziz and Alex Francis (2014). Reducing blood culture contamination rate: a quality assurance project in a Malaysian tertiary hospital. International Journal of Infection Control 10(2):1-5


Suriati Mohamed Saini, Nik Ruzyanei Nik Jaafar, Marhani Midin, Azizah Mohd Radzi and Abdul Hamid Abdul Rahman (2014). Serotonin transporter gene polymorphism and its association with bipolar disorder across different ethnic groups in Malaysia. Comprehensive Psychiatry 55: S76-S81


Susan Hoe Ling Ling, Lu Ping Tan, Juliana Jamal, Suat Cheng Peh, Ching Ching Ng, Wen Cai Zhang, Munirah Ahmad and Alan Soo Beng Khoo (2014). Evaluation of stem-like side population cells in a recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line. Cancer Cell International 14:101


Susan Hoe Ling Ling, Najmi Aliff Che Harun, Norazlin Abdul Aziz, Wayne Ng Tiong Weng and Alan Khoo Soo Beng (2014).  At a glance: nasopharyngeal carcinoma and cancer stem cells. Bulletin National Committee for Clinical Research, Jan-Jun 2014: 8-11




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