[ English | Bahasa Malaysia ] Today is 14th Feb 2025, 09:23 AM (Last updated: 13th Feb 2025)
Xanthorrizol : Biological and safety study as potential anti-proliferative agent for breast carcinoma
5-year survival rate and mortality differentials for breast and cervical cancers
A study to Develop a Predictive Model for Dengue Outbreak
Application of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in detection of active parasitic infections (Toxoplasmosis and Amebiasia)
Characterisation of Fragile X syndrome by genomic and proteomic approach
Coastal recreational waters: Quality and impact on health
Determination of biogenic amines levels in local fish-based food and identifying best manufacturing practices to reduce biogenic amines levels
Determination of the status of various cell cycle associated genes in sequential oral leukoplakias or epithelial dysplasias and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) in Malaysia: A pilot study
Development and assessment of proposed Environmental Health Indicator
Development and evaluation of biotechnological techniques for detection and monitoring of insecticide resistance
Development of an electronic mosquito detection device
Development of Diagnostic methods for the detection of Brucellosis in Human
Development of DNA chip for detection and identification of Candida species in clinical samples
Development of transgenic Aedes mosquitoes
Diagnosis of chronic Granulomatous Disease in primary immunodeficiency patients in Malaysia
Discovery of specific biomarkers for diabetic nephropathy in Type 2 Diabetes
Environmental and reproductive risk factors for breast and cervical cancers
Environmental survey and dose quantification of environmental carcinogens
Epidemiological and molecular studies on simian malaria and its vectors in Peninsular Malaysia
Evaluation of effectiveness of two commercial disinfectants and two vaporising mosquito mats against house dust mites
Identification of major allergens of royal jelly using 2-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry analysis
Isolation and characterization of pheromones from Aedes mosquitoes
Laboratory upscaling of sterile maggots for therapeutic use
Lifestyle, dietary and occupation risk factors for factors for breast and cervical cancers
Mapping of malaria vectors in Peninsular Malaysia
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