[ English | Bahasa Malaysia ] Today is 14th Feb 2025, 10:14 AM (Last updated: 13th Feb 2025)
Evaluation of Physical and Chemical Approach to the Efficient Disruption for Aspergillus DNA Extraction
Fungal/Herbal Compounds for Targeted Theraphy of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Profiling on Acute Myleloid Leukemia Patients in Malaysia
Genomic Characterization and Whole Genome Sequencing of Philadelphia Positive in Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
Identification of Biomarkers for Antiphospholipid Syndrome in Females With Fetal Loss in Malaysia
Identification of Genetic Modifiers of HbE/Beta-Thalassaemia in Malaysia - By Whole Exome Sequencing
Identification of Markers of Treatment Response and Recurrence in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Identification of Novel Autoantibodies as Putative Biomarkers in Malaysian Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Inherited Metabolic Disease in Children With Sudden Deaths
Laboratory and Field Evaluation of the Bioefficacy of Semiochemicals in Aedes Control
Larval Competition Between Wild Type Aedes aegypti, Transgenic Aedes aegypti (L.) and Wild Type Aedes albopictus
MicroRNAs in Adult Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) in Response to Imatinib Treatment for Quantitative Expression Profiling
Molecular Analysis of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Among Hepatitis B Carriers in Malaysia
NKEA Malaysian Herbal Monograph 2012, Herbal Plants: Moringa oleifera Lam Leaves (Merunggai), Clinacanthus nutans Lindau Leaves (Belalai Gajah), Momordica charantia L. Fruit (Peria Katak) and Mitragyna speciosa Korth Leaves (Ketum)
Phenotype and Genotype of Pompe Disease in Malaysian Children
Pre-Clinical Toxicology Studies of Misai Kusing Plus (MKP) and Hempedu Bumi Plus (HBP) on Sprague Dawley Rats
Screening of Wolbachia in Aedes albopictus Skuse, Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) and Culex sp. in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor
Selection of Suitable Trial Site and Base-Line Survey of Aedes Population: Pre-Field Evaluation of Genetic Control of Aedes aegypti
Sequence Variants of Putative Tumor Suppressor Genes in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
siRNA Mediated Gene Silencing and Quantitative Pathway Analysis in Multiple Myeloma
The Development of Solid-Phase Protein Truncation Test for Rapid Identification of Germline Mutations in Retinoblastoma
The Outcome of Endovascular Coiling Versus Microsurgical Clipping in Treating Cerebral Aneurysm: A Retrospective Cohort in Hospital Kuala Lumpur
To Study Functional Metabolite Properties of Malaysian Edible Seaweed for Potential Glucose Lowering Effect Targeting the Digestive Enzyme Activities: An In Vitro Study
Vectorial Capacity and Transovarial Transmission of Dengue Infection in Field-Collected Aedes Mosquitoes
A Retrospective Study of Patients with Trigeminal Neuralgia (TGN) Seen at the Oral Medicine Clinic, Kuala Lumpur General Hospital.
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